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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Water Damage In Your commercial Property - Can it Be Prevented?

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage in Cheviot Commercial Water Damage Speed Drying in Cincinnati.

Most commercial properties in Cincinnati over 10,000sf have dedicated staff that handles maintenance and minor issues with the building itself, building materials have improved drastically over the past 100 years and building codes keep getting stricter, so there should never be any major disasters due to water damage in commercial buildings, right?

Reality Check

Let’s take a look at a few situations that SERVPRO of Cheviot and Cleves has helped with over the years.

A manufacturing company had a building that was only 15 years old and was built with a fire suppression system according to building code. A technician from the fire suppression system company came out to perform regular maintenance on the system, but didn’t cap a pipe that he had opened during the process securely. The system was reactivated and overnight the cap came off, a stream of water began to spray at a wall and before long had worn a hole through the wall and water was pouring into the manufacturing area.

A building had thousands of square feet of cubicle space available, but had been vacant for months. A supply line to a sink broke and flooded over 5000sf of carpeted area and affected drywall and trim in several offices since it sat for hours before anyone discovered it.

Mother nature always wins. A commercial building suffered a water damage when pounding rains were just too much for the storm drains in the area to handle. Water came in right under the walls and doors that were made of glass. You could actually see how deep the water was outside as it was coming in. The main work area with cubicles and offices was completely flooded and many employees would have to find another place to work temporarily.

What Do All These Situations Have In Common?

No matter how well your commercial property is maintained and how prepared you are, pipes break, heavy rains come and humans still make errors. The good news is that SERVPRO of Cheviot and Cleves is always ready to clean up, dry out and repair your commercial property due to water damage in the Cincinnati area anywhere, any time, any size disaster. Why wait for disaster to strike without a plan? Call now for our no-cost Emergency Ready Plan to make sure you are prepared for any type of disaster to keep your business down time as short as possible.

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